Monday, June 22, 2009

waiting for the call, CD2- **UPDATED**

AF made her appearance yesterday afternoon, which turned out to be CD1, not CD30. If anyone out there wonders as I did whether Lupron has an affect on cycle length, the answer would be no. At least in my case, taking Lupron beginning on CD22, at a dosage of 10u every morning, had no impact on cycle length. Good to know.

I headed to the RE's for u/s and b/w this morning. Assuming my hormone levels are in line and there are no unusually large cycts in my ovaries or fibroids on my uetrus, I expect to start taking the Gonal-F tonight or tomorrow. Then we head down the slippery slope of IVF... things start off rather slowly, then get a little out of control with daily monitoring and dosage changes and bloating and lack of sleep and finally the trigger, ER, and ET. Then comes the v e r y s l o w TWW. Time will literally fly between now and ET, which is part of why the TWW feels so darn long. Interminable as it may be, I'm eager to get there. I'm excited to become PUPO again, and hopeful (as always) that this is the time that will work for us.

Got the call from the nurse- no cysts, no fibroids, no follies. Lupron did its job and E2 was 19, progesterone was 0.5. I have to take her word for it, since I don't know what all those numbers mean, but she said I have the green light to start Gonal-F tonight, 225 units twice per day, and cut my Lupron dose to 5 units each morning.

Back to the RE's on Saturday for b/w. No guesses yet as to when ER will be, but almost certainly between June 30th and July 4th.


sprogblogger said...

Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Melissa said...

me too! fingers crossed.

'Murgdan' said...

Good luck...may the adventure begin!

Erika said...

Good Luck! Glad to hear your cleared and good to go!


Baby Smiling In Back Seat said...

Thanks for your ICLW comment.

My cycles were so unpredictable that I think lupron may have affected my cycle length, but it's hard to know since other meds were going on at the same time.

Good luck with the cycle!!

Stacie said...

Keeping my fingers crossed for you, too!

sassy said...

Wishing you a wonderful, smooth, and most of all PRODUCTIVE cycle!

Anonymous said...

Good luck for the IVF. The TWW is madness.ICLW

Pie said...

That's great, a nice clear report to start stims. Best wishes for many big, mature, good quality eggs!