Wednesday, March 17, 2010

nothing happening, but...

2cm and 70% effaced.

As best I can tell from Dr. Google, this doesn't mean anything will or will not happen soon, but it's comforting to know that something has changed in the last two weeks. And I truly believe that Dr. Male was simply rough. Today, my appointment was with Dr. Favorite, whom I'd only seen once before. She was wonderful and gentle, and I didn't feel thoroughly beat up when the internal exam was over... at least not any more so than I already did, with Ishka's head resting about as low as it can go. (I honestly feel like my crotch has been in a fist fight- all bruised and achey for the last few weeks.)

I was the last patient of the day, so the doc had plenty of time to sit and chat with me about GD (she had it too) and all sorts of supposed ways to get labor to start. I stopped at the grocery store on the way home and picked up some organic raspberry leaf tea at her suggestion- not bad, actually, so I downed two mugs of it today and will continue with 3 or 4 tomorrow. Aside from that, she recommended romance and walking. Prostaglandins and gravity are scientifically proven to contribute to labor progress, while everything else is sheer desperation.

We discussed induction too, unfortunately. My age alone puts us at higher than normal risk for stillbirth- my odds at 40 weeks equal a 27 year-old's at 42 weeks. So Ishka will be entering this world by my due date of 3/25, with or without medical prompting. My next appointment, on Tuesday, will involve a discussion of the specific drugs and techniques we'll pursue. I'm still hoping I won't need that next appointment. I also hope I won't need tomorrow morning's BPP, or tomorrow afternoon's NST.

It's getting so close now. I can hardly believe we're here!


Wendy said...

Hey there, I've been following your pregnancy the whole time - I also got my BFP around the same time (our 4th IVF cycle). I'm due tomorrow, and very-very jealous since I am not dialated/effaced at all!! I think I might be waiting around still when you meet your sweet babe! Good luck to you!! I'm checking daily for updates!

BB said...

Keeping my fingers crossed for you! Good Luck! :)

Anonymous said...

So exciting! I get all excited when I see you've posted! C'mon Ishka! Mama doesn't want an induction!

Lisa said...

Look at that countdown! 7 days!! Wow, I can't even believe it. I really hope Ishka makes his/her entrance soon!

IrishNYC said...

So close! I (try to) look every day for your updates, or lack of, and hoping a lack of posting means Ishka is safe and warm in mamma's arms. I'm hoping and praying it doesn't come to induction for you.