Friday, December 5, 2008

what's good about NOT TTC?

Well, for starters, there's chocolate. Dark chocolate. And port. I really like port. With chocolate. Dark chocolate. Taking a month off from TTC has allowed me to indulge in a couple of vices I would otherwise enjoy only rarely anyhow, but which I haven't had in about 14 months. I knew November's IUIs had not worked in time to buy a nice little bottle of port and a dark chocolate espresso beans candy bar for Thanksgiving. I like beer too... and I had a most fantastically delicious bottle of beer on Saturday night. I also drank a cup of highly caffeinated coffee last weekend that sent me loopy for a few hours, so I think I'll stay away from caffeine regardless of my procreative plans.

I don't know why, but the espresso bean laden dark chocolate didn't seem to have any affect on me, caffeine-wise.

I think that I will have sushi this weekend.

There is, I must admit, a silver lining to a break in TTC. Of course, I am incredibly antsy to get moving on the next step and it bothers me that January will start on about CD6 and my RE appointment isn't until CD13, so any early-cycle testing will have to wait until February. Which means I might not get to an IVF cycle until March, so even if we're successful on the first attempt, I may not hold my child until 2010. So, you see, I'd give up the port and the chocolate and the beer and the sushi if I could have not skipped this month. The silver lining is a bit tarnished, especially in comparison to the pot of gold I'm looking for.

But, ever the reluctant optimist, I will enjoy what I can during this break.

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