Wednesday, June 1, 2011


11DP2DT- thrilled doesn't begin to say it.


Lisa said...

I just had to comment on both sites. YAAAY!!!!

Nic said...


vee said...

Congratulations!! No pic? Aw, go on....

BB said...

Congratulations!! Wow - I am speachless! So happy for you all!!! :)

Wendy said...

That is fantastic news!!! Congratulations! My son Jonah is the same age as Charlotte - we cycled at the same time two years ago, and I've been following your blog ever since. I've got 4 snowbabies and will start my own Project Sibling in the fall - hope it is as smooth sailing as yours! Fingers crossed! I'm so happy about your BFP!

Triumph in Learning said...

Just had to pop in and say a HUGE CONGRATS TO YOU!

IrishNYC said...

Congratulations! How wonderful!

EC said...

oh yay! that's wonderful news, congratulations!

BB said...

It's so cool to see the lil bean growing on your blog! Good old days! {HUGS}